Diksha course

Diksha - A initiation process given to disciple by Guru. Receive the powerful, rare and sacred dikhsa. Join our Diksha course and Explore here about Diksha in depth practically. Explore below the various Diksha offered to all by Gurudev & register to receive it.

diksha course

Diksha Course:

Only an innocent creature full of devotion, love and amity and inclined towards God can understand the real meaning of the word Diksha and can revel in heavenly, spiritual pleasure and ecstasy by positing himself with the Sadguru, who is an emblem of God and eternal truth.

In Diksha, Sadguru transfers energy into a disciple. In which the absolute power which operates the entire cosmos completely settles within ‘the inner self’ of a disciple and lends him perfection by means of Diksha by given by Sadhguru to disciple. This truth really takes effect when a creature considers the Sadhguru as God and not an ordinary creature.

There are various ways of transferring energy, which can be by touching physically by touching the point in between on forehead in between the eyebrows or by eye contact or from a distance (a disciple can be thousands of miles away, but still by energy can be sent by sadhguru).

There are various stages depending on its intensity levels in Diksha. Is Diksha just a tradition? Generally, in the worldly sense of the terms, people think that Diksha is a kind of tradition only. Diksha is a specific process of opening each and every pore of a creature. If a creature possesses such virtues as innocence, straightforwardness, temperance; it can awaken his every pore by means of Diksha. It can grow spiritually and materially.

Guru Diksha – The first step. “Guru Diksha” the first step to embrace Guru; the first route to be mounted on the hierarchy of truth..! Stability of each organism is “Guru” but each organism deprived with him. “Guru Diksha” is wholly congregation of “Guru – Shishya”, conception of factual stability, in the union of Devine & nature’s assistant. With the help of “Guru Diksha” we can attain truth within us; love & lord’s union. “Guru Diksha” is a process through which the life of the disciple is invited to introduce themselves fully.

All of you must get “Guru Diksha” from revered Gurudev to make your birth worthwhile, your life and even your demise. Only after Guru-Diksha one can step further to receive any kind of Sadhna for complete Siddhi/Attainment in any sadhna

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10 Diksha for Successful Life

“Guru diksha” the first step to embrace Guru; the first route to be mounted on the hierarchy of truth..! Stability of each organism is “Guru” but each organism deprived with him. “Guru Diksha” is wholly congregation of “Guru – Shishya”, conception of factual stability, in the union of Devine & nature assistant.

With the help of “Guru diksha” we can gain the philosophy of truth in yourself; love & lord’s union. “Guru diksha” is a process through which the life of the disciple is invited to introduce themselves fully.

All of you must get “Guru Diksha” from revered Gurudev to prove worthwhile your birth, your life and even your demise.

Tantra is an element… Strategy… Accustom mechanism; it is helpful to the entire human body structure. Tantrokta is summation of Tatva i.e elements and Yantra (mechanism) for example “Tantra is soul & power of soul and Yantra is mechanism of Tantrokt Diksha”

This is the method of full consciousness of each parts of body including nerves, pulses & soul. The power of element… mechanism… the tantrokt elements… accurate method of mechanism… With the help of “Tantrokt Guru diksha” mystical body parts can be controlled with perfection, the secrets of universe can be known. “Om Hunm Phat” is conducive for this diksha and we can add this mantra’s to any chants which affects body parts secretively. This diksha is the absolute accomplishment of Gyan (knowledge) & Vigyan (Science).

With the help of revered Gurudev you must perform this diksha and with the full trust move ahead to recognize the Tantra, you all become master in knowledge & science and enjoy your life with great honor.

Heart is the origin of feelings and journey begins; devotion by feelings, devotion to power, power to breathe and we all require harmony in this world… Combination of this beautiful fantasy world with essence elegant, assumption of world, structure of organism we can’t opt out any difference but here we have lots of difference in feelings, in passion due to this we have huge difference in devotion and with the emerging power of devotion to God “Brahm” inside us.


The journey begins from our heart and Soul Consciousness next step; With the help of “Guru Pran Dharan Diksha” disciple can acquire, realize this world completely when he / she keep hold of trust, love & faith in Guru; the person who hold inclusive power of GOD;

The uniqueness of this initiation is to attract your self towards lord brahma mean Pujya shri Gurudev and achieve the complete success of life which can only possible with Guru Pran Sthapan Initiation.

All disciple must get this peerless, esoteric Gurugamya Initiation and reach to your soul; beyond your body beyond your mind with the suffused with the light of brahma, make your life Gratify.

Re unification of Soul & Supreme; balance between Soul & Shiva; & union of Nature & Brahma is the prime of this Initiation. We all know Brahma is Structure of Energy & fraction of this energy is implicated into creation of Nature, Nature is different from Brahma but in the soul of Nature ‘Brahma’ live, this initiation is divinity process of reunion of soul & Nature.

“Aatm Darshay Diksha” is supportive when we pass through the long spiritual journey of deep feeling. Self visitation is prime necessity for this initiation. Self visitation is the process of soul advancement & soul progression is progress towards Brahma i.e “Guru”.

Basically such type of Initiation is process of consolidation Disciple into GOD.
All Disciples must get a hold of this “Unrivaled, Unique, Undisclosed & Rare” Initiation. With the help of this we can understand our self, we can get the vision of our soul & than we can get GOD’s Ultimate vision.

It is also known as “Raktva Spiritual Initiation. Rakt Kan Kan is very Exclusive & Eccentric realization. If disciple completes this spiritual initiation process with perfection than he can become most wealthy personality of this earth.

Disciple can established effigy guise of GOD in him when he hold the power of God with this Initiation but this can only be achieved when we complete this process with true soul, full of trust in Guru as well as GOD, full of dedication & passion.

This practice will be start from Thursday. Establish a picture of the spiritual master “guru in the form of Narayana and make big “Om” Symbol with the help of turmeric and make 4 small Om with the turmeric surrounding it, will be worship with the kukum, intact & flowers & while meditating Guru make a chant of “|| OM NARAYAN SHIV SWAROOPAY MAM RAKTAM STHAPYAMI NAMAH ||”

Duration of this practice is of six months, the process of this practice will start in early morning, if it’s before sunrise than it will be more beneficial & will initiate a perfect spiritual life with lots of joy & cheers. Make sure the tone of voice must be simple & from cool / soft heart.

Vidya means Lore. The motif of this initiation is to hold, to have preceptor in yourself which is epitome of vast ocean of mercy. Vidya means to achieve both the knowledge & science. It is possible that by the grace of the Supreme Lord. We have very narrow sense about lore and because of this we were left tied in narrow range.

In today’s world humans being are endeavoring but they are deprived from prayer, they are in science but vacuous of knowledge. Disciple can get the knowledge of “whole science”, “incomplete substantial knowledge”, “spiritual knowledge” or “the combination of both” which means to know, to achieve the whole world and it can obtained only by the grace of preceptor.

Away from disorders by understanding the true meaning of lore, achieving entirety by holding divinity is only possible from Vidya Diksha (Lore Initiation). We all need this initiation in our life we can achieve greatness in the world with the help of this initiation All of you must get this esoteric secret rare initiation.

Through Gyan diksha the follower integrally adopt the guru (master) within himself. Gyan diksha has only one meaning i.e love and affection towards guru. By this diksha the follower set himself on the path of true philosophy of truth and make others to follow the path of truth. This diksha should be adopted by every being so that they will get the essence of divine and lead to the truth.

It is not possible to obtain this diksha to all creatures. But with full faith, believing disciples, their services and their total dedication to the divine spirit ‘ Guru ‘he /she can have the rare esoteric diksha .

Realization of divine, process from known to unknown…..Basically knowledge is love and the being who don’t believe in love gradually deprived from the path of knowledge.

The knowledge of higher truth can be achieved only by guru because true meaning of love is only explained by guru because basic form of guru is love.

You serve your faith and full of love, your devotion to this unique rare diksha of Pujya Gurudev’s been a concerted effort to achieve the perfection of life.

When a woman wants to conceive then the evocation of divine soul is worship with Panchopchar. Preceptor provides this Grabhadhan initiation to advent the dynamic spirit of the truth born in this world which will Divine Gentle, Beautiful, True in nature. This initiation must get by every women before conceiving and she must feel and contemplate of Brhma Nature and lord Gurudev.

Always have positive mindset, your prior negative energies and thoughts should not be transferred in your son, with this aspect one should get this initiation from preceptor. Disciple should not think about son or daughter with the help of this initiation you will get holistic life. Before conceiving couple should make virtual figure of master spirit, divine soul. All of you must get this esoteric secret rare Garbhadhan Sanskar Initiation.


There was creature named “Paashu” whose life is going to end soon. He was devotee of lord Shiva still he was living his life lowly & melancholy and his life was full of decay. He was living in glen and eats root vegetable in short he was living his life in odd conditions. His only desire was adoration of lord Shiva day and night he worshiped lord Shiva and one day the glad of lord Shiva blessed him with of energetic divine light.

After many decades he became ascetic and came to called as “Paashupati” because he was adorer of lord Shiva and he got glory for this form of lord Shiva. In this way the unique and divine practice had been emerged i.e “Paashupatastreya Practice.”

This practice has unique and marvelous advantage, if you are stuck in any problems related to life, related to work or whatever than you must complete this practice and you will get renewable life with lord Shiva’s blessing. If your body is suffering from disease and your are near to take last breath of your life, if your are very much disappointed with your life than this practice will provide lots of energy and will divert you towards your soul and unleash you.

The one who complete this practice will never die. This practice is very simple like lord Shiva but performing this practice is very difficult. Disciple must pray to his Gurudev for this practice and he will never die and will be establish in this world for entire life span of universe.

Life is all about Energy and that divine energy lies in your soul only. With the help of this practice one can ignite this energy from bottom of soul. Once you ignite this energy you will be free from all problems what you are facing in your life.After “Pashupati” lord Shri Krisha gave this Initiation to Arjun and said if you want victory in Mahabhart war and want to achieve success & glory in your entire life than you must perform this practice.

“Paashupatastreya Practice is the only way you will get triumph in every war of your life, on millions of enemy soldiers of Kaurava’s and even on demise too.

This practice will provide completeness of your life. So in this way because of this initiation Arjun was free from all pains and got glory and success in vital Mahabharta fight. History is witness, with the inspiration of Lord Shri Krishna, Arjun had completed Lord Shiva’s rare practice and achieved success and glory in his life. The practice of this initiation is great and creditable, if one wants to witness of wisdom of lord Shiva than he will be blessed with the boon of Lord Shiva’s blessings.

There is one more story in history which tells us the importance of this initiation. Once the divine master Shankaracharya solicited to his blest master Shri Govind Padacharya for this unique and rare initiation and said “Oh Lord Gurudev please blessed me with “Paashupatastreya Initiation & Practice” I want to achieve success on my birth and demise and free from all loops of my life and want to become immortal.

Than blest master Shri Govind Padacharya replied “my dear son Shankar, this is not the right time and you don’t have true eligibility, you need to do more service. It means when you are eligible and right person than only Guru provide this initiation if you are not than guru will not provide the same.

After few years master Shankaracharya blessed with the “Paashupatastreya Initiation & Practice” from his blest Master Shri Govind Padacharya. Though Master Shankaracharya was away from his blest master still complete his service towards his master untill 18 years.
Master Shankarachrya was suffused with consciousness of Lord Shiva and his Gurudev, he became sake disciple of Lord Shiva’s power and then he started writing books and wrote one of the greatest books of all time like “Shankar Bhashya” and many others.

He gave message to time (world); there is no end of consciousness. Consciousness is stays in this universe after death also. The same thing happened with master Shankaracharya. Though Master Shankaracharya is not present in this universe physically but his divine consciousness is still in this world in different-different forms of true knowledge.

There is short description mention in the book “Shankar Bhashy” Once master Shankaracharya was giving knowledge to his disciples and described Lord Shiva as.. “Lord Shiva is the lord of all Gods; Shiva is the master of universe and one who worships him from the bottom of soul the disciple will bless with the consciousness of Lord Shiva. It is impossible disciple worship and his/her wish not fulfilled. Lord Shiva is the only who got victory over death. Lord Shiva is simple and blessed disciple soon as compare to other God.

“Paashupatastreya Initiation & Practice” is very unique and rare initiation and this initiation is only provided by Lord Gurudev. There are so many ascetic, Goddess, God, disciple who are eager to get this initiation from their Gurudev but as I said earlier one must be eligible for this initiation weather he is God, disciple, ascetic etc. Maharshi Vishwamitra completed 5000 years austerity to know about this initiation. Markand was greatest disciple of lord Shiva.

He was childless but with his worship, lord Shiva gave blessing of son but also said that son will dead soon in his juvenile age. Markand rishi decided to give his son Paashupatastreya Initiation and his son completed practice of the same.

History is witness again as Lord Shiva Said Markand’s son Markandey was found dead in the temple of Lord Shiva only. With the help of tragic grace of his father & Lord Shiva he got life again. This is only possible because Markandey was even greater disciple for Lord Shiva and got the Paashupatastreya Initiation from his father. After that Markandey wrote book about “Duragaposti” means worship of Goddess Durga.